10 thoughts on “Happy Birthday To Me

  1. Happy happy happy happy birthday!!! Frank never said a word the bugger lol!! Personally I like to extend my birthday into a week long celebration that I name the Festival of Pam and I believe everyone should do so as well. So *technically*, this is still during your Festival and therefore not late at all! Hooray!! I hope your day was as fantastic as that cup of coffee looks!!

    *hugs and warm cookies*

  2. Thanks, Hay. Better late than early. 🙂

    Pam- he probably forgot! I love the Festival of Pam idea. I agree. It’s still Birthday Week until Sunday, right?! (and I can’t think of a better wish for someone than warm cookies. Except maybe hot coffee, but cookies are right up there.)

  3. ohgosh, well seeing i’ve just *met* you (or have i popped over before? can’t remember, am so blonde lol), happy (belated) birthday too!!!
    love your photo, am rather partial to a *short black* (COFFEE lol) myself
    luffs from NZ X

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